Lathrup Village is one and a half square miles nestled in the rapidly developing central Oakland County, located at the intersection of I-696 and Southfield Road. McKenna Associates has long provided building services that cater directly to Lathrup Village’s specific needs.
Based on the level of building activity, the City recognized they did not need a full-time building official. To control costs and provide highly qualified professional service to their citizens and customers, the Village contracted with McKenna to provide a part-time Building Official.
In addition, McKenna inspectors provide a wide variety of inspection services to the City including: Building and Trades (Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, and Fire Prevention), and State and Federal Grant Programs. Our inspectors have remained up to date on all the required registrations, licenses, and certifications to ensure all current code requirements and regulations are being met within the City.
Residents and contractors appreciate our inspectors’ expertise when dealing with issues relating to code compliance, and flexibility when scheduling inspections.
By having access to highly trained and certified plan reviewers in varying fields, McKenna has provided thorough and consistent review of projects in residential, commercial, and public areas. Our reviewers’ knowledge of codes, combined with our flexible scheduling abilities, has allowed applicants to commence work on construction projects as quickly as possible.
We are also highly accessible to applicants for trouble-shooting by phone, email, or in the field.
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