McKenna partnered with the City of Livonia to develop a truly action-oriented, community-driven plan that would build on years of progressive municipal planning. The primary focus for this comprehensive master plan, Livonia Vision 21, was to identify priority steps for the next three (3) years that would continue to secure Livonia for the next 100 years.
Livonia Vision 21 is not only the City’s comprehensive policy document directing future decisions for land use, transportation, neighborhoods, infrastructure, and open space, among other topics. It is also a community plan that resulted from McKenna’s robust public engagement program and was strengthened by the involvement of community members throughout 2018.
Throughout the planning process, stakeholders had numerous opportunities to offer ideas and reactions with the 16-member appointed steering committee, administration, and elected officials. Community engagement opportunities included online surveys, public meetings, presentations, and workshops. Exercises with the public focused on future land use, mobility, visual preference surveys, and missing middle housing. They were designed to facilitate conversation about the most important aspects of the community. Outreach efforts also included an intense, two-day charrette in which three special planning areas for the City were creatively redesigned.
With significant public input, the Livonia Vision 21 Plan positions Livonia for continued success and confirms the aspirations of residents, businesses, and stakeholders.
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