As Lyon Township underwent significant growth, the big-box, mid-box and outlot retail establishments came to replace its traditional downtown as the defining feature in the area. New Hudson was dying, residential density in the historic district was low and any sign of a walkable, ‘hometown’ community was disappearing.
Consistent with its long tradition of sound planning, the Township’s Downtown Development Authority realized the need to comprehensively plan for the future of the downtown district. The DDA also knew any plan needed community and stakeholder feedback and support to stand the test of time. The plan needed to be driven by a vision and a comprehensive implementation plan that identified each ‘step to success’ for the Township to be comfortable adopting such a grand plan.
McKenna used a charrette as the main means of obtaining input, developing ideas, and reaching consensus. McKenna’s team designed and facilitated a highly successful, collaborative, intense multiday planning workshop that included affected stakeholders at critical decision-making points. It was a democratic process in which all voices and viewpoints were aired and considered and ultimately yielded the changes made to the final Vision Plan.
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