New Hope Community Development Non-Profit Housing Corporation operates in the six-square-mile portion of northwest Detroit referred to as the “Old Redford” neighborhood bounded by 8 Mile, Telegraph, McNichols and Southfield Road. Having focused on financing and building affordable housing for the last 20 years, New Hope staff and board members recognized a need for additional neighborhood development initiatives – and a plan to organize their activities. McKenna was chosen to prepare the Old Redford Neighborhood Plan, funded by the Michigan State Housing Development Authority, which is focused on improving the quality of life of neighborhood residents.
The planning effort was supported by active public engagement, from a visioning session and walking tour focused on assets and deficiencies in the built environment to a mapping exercise wherein residents identified specific locations for investment in public safety, recreation, open space, commercial, entertainment and other community development activities.
The plan sets out specific recommendations and projects for:
The Old Redford Neighborhood Plan is a document that diverse neighborhood groups may center their activities around, and around which they can forge new relationships to improve the quality of life of residents within the neighborhood.
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