Assistant Planner
Ashley E. Amey, NCI
Ashley is an Assistant Planner who provides support with comprehensive plans, public engagement, zoning ordinances, Geographic Information Services (GIS), and site plan review. Before working at McKenna, Ashley was an intern with Canton Township for two years, where she assisted with the day-to-day planning process, comprehensive planning, zoning ordinance amendments, sidewalk gap analysis, and the street tree program.
Ashley is extremely passionate about sustainability, food systems, and urban design. As a part of the Assiniboine Tribe and with a family from the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation, she is passionate about the equality and consideration of all people.
Ashley holds a Bachelor of Science Summa Cum Laude in Regional and Urban Planning with a minor in Sustainability from Eastern Michigan University and its Honors College.
While at Eastern Michigan University, Ashley expressed her passion for urban planning as President of the Planning Awareness Club of Eastern (PLACE), Co-Chair of the 2023 Student Michigan Association of Planning (S-MAP) Conference, and Student Representative for Eastern Michigan University on the board for the Michigan Association of Planning.
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I love empowering communities and their residents so that, together, we can create vibrant, sustainable, and inclusive communities that people of the present and future can enjoy.