Senior Principal Planner / GIS Manager
Brian Keesey, AICP
Brian is responsible for the administration of zoning code for cities and townships, reviewing plans, providing development assistance to citizens and developers, and guiding applicants through the zoning process. He works with municipalities to improve the usability and functionality of their zoning regulations to ensure that communities are up-to-date with current planning topics and legislation. Brian provides assistance to his clients with comprehensive plans, trend analysis, goal-setting and implementation, and infrastructure planning through Capital Improvement Programs.
Brian has a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture from Michigan State University and a Masters in Urban and Regional Planning from Michigan State University.
Back to people“
The most rewarding part of my work is building relationships with engaged residents, active developers, and dedicated officials formed when working together toward achieving a shared community vision. The results of working side-by-side with those most invested in the community’s future are tangible and impactful: improved built environments, expanded public services, increased community engagement, and overall higher quality of life.