Assistant Planner
Emily Huhman
Emily is an Assistant Planner providing support for multiple projects, including master plans and zoning ordinances, housing needs assessments, GIS mapping, and grant writing and management. She began her career at McKenna as an intern in 2023 before moving into the Assistant Planner role in May of 2024. Prior to becoming a planner, Emily worked in the public and non-profit housing sector in Oakland, Washtenaw, and Wayne counties as a housing case manager dedicated to working with low-income Michiganders to prevent returns to homelessness. She is passionate about implementing creative housing and ownership models into communities, economic development opportunities that can be accessed by all residents, and improving community health outcomes by encouraging walkable neighborhoods with access to supportive services.
Emily holds a Master of Urban and Regional Planning and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Sociology with a Minor in Urban Studies from the University of Michigan. Outside of work, Emily is involved in her faith community and enjoys knitting and sewing.
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All residents deserve to be able to live in and enjoy their community, regardless of their background. As a planner, I love being able to help communities implement forward-thinking change that moves them closer to this ideal, while honoring the unique history and character of each community.