Principal Planner
Hunter Whitehill
Hunter is a Principal Planner who supports projects through various municipalities, including plan reviews, community engagement, data analysis, recreation plans, and zoning ordinances. He applies his public and private sector experience to deliver effective public-private planning practices. Hunter is experienced in writing, implementing, and administering zoning regulations in communities of all sizes. Hunter has experience throughout Michigan and Ohio creating innovative zoning ordinances founded on user-friendly and practical regulations.
Hunter holds a Bachelor of Science in Urban and regional Planning from Michigan State University as well as an Associate’s degree in Environmental Science and Society from Washtenaw Community College.
Back to people“
The passion that drives my work ethic comes from the opportunity in making a difference in people’s lives. It’s truly an honor to perform this work that is increasingly becoming more important as we all try to understand how to improve our communities in all their varying sizes. Most of all, I want to better the lives of people everywhere by creating places that everyone can love and be proud to call home.