Assistant Planner
Paige Brodeur
Paige Brodeur is an Assistant Planner who serves her team in many tasks, including mapping, community engagement, land use analysis, and zoning reviews.
Paige graduated from Calvin University with a major in Geography and a minor in Spanish. She enjoyed the various courses she took, learning about different cultures, people, and their stories, as well as the environment and sustainable living. While in school, she took the opportunity to study in Honduras and Costa Rica, where she got to live, serve, and learn about a new community and culture.
Paige is driven by this passion to help, serve, and connect with those around her. She believes it is important for people to feel connected to one another and the spaces in which they live daily, especially the places they call home. Because of this, she enjoys serving those in her community who are without homes through her local church and on her own.
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Connections are important to me, so I enjoy working for a company that values that as well and even helps to foster them through creating meaningful spaces.