
What We Do


What does real life look like in your community? How do people use the space? How can it make life better?

These are the questions our urban designers ask daily. Our full-service landscape architecture and urban design professionals work to complement existing surroundings while enhancing the sense of place. We help communities design dynamic spaces that suit their needs in the present, while allowing flexibility to manage change over time.

Case Studies

It’s designing spaces to create better places.

01 Urban Design

We help communities develop plans to make places meaningful and to adapt to future growth.

See Case Studies

02 Landscape Architecture

Our landscape design professionals are sensitive to the environmental, aesthetic, functional, and economic components of producing quality spaces.

See Case Studies

03 Form-Based Coding

Our team of professionals is accredited in customizing form-based codes and helps create spaces that comfortably accommodate integrated use through zoning.

See Case Studies

04 Parks Design

We combine cutting-edge park design practices with strong public participation to create parks and open spaces that support the character of the community.

See Case Studies

05 Streetscapes and Crossings

We integrate crossings and streetscapes into the overall landscape to increase both aesthetics and functionality.

See Case Studies

06 Bike System Design

Our designers incorporate non-motorized pathways and bike lanes into communities in ways that are inventive, safe, and forward-thinking.

See Case Studies

07 Placemaking and Public Spaces

Our multifaceted approach focuses on creating spaces that increase public well-being, drawing on community assets and collective goals.

See Case Studies

08 Corridor Studies

We assess city arteries and seek public input, looking for opportunities for sustainable growth and practical change.

See Case Studies
Case Studies